Multiple plots in a single Maxima figure

In MATLAB, I often use the subplot() command to make an array of multiple plots in a single figure.

In Maxima, we can achieve that by generating each of the subplots using gr2d(),  and then putting them all together with a call to draw() or wxdraw():


There’s an optional columns argument — the subplots are drawn row-wise in an array with the specified number of columns:


And of course all this works for 3d plots using gr3d():


My Two Favorite wxMaxima Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt Up to recall previous commands to the current input line

In Matlab and RStudio, I love the ability to recall a command I’ve already typed using the up arrow key.  Today I discovered alt up arrow to do the same in wxMaxima!

Ctrl Shift K  for autocompletion and function template

This is really the best implementation of function templates I’ve seen in an IDE:

In wxMaxima, if I type inte  and then ctrl shift k, I see a popup menu of possible completions.  Choosing integrate results in an input cell template that looks like:


Pressing Tab highlights <expr> and I simply type the expression to be integrated.   A second press of Tab key highlights <x> and I type the name of the independent variable.

But wait, there’s more:  this works for any currently defined function—including user defined functions.

**UPDATE**  In the newer versions  of wxMaxima (since v15.10)   Ctrl+Tab and Shift+Ctrl+Tab also trigger autocompletion.

Maxima Language Syntax Highlighting in Notepad++


Notepad++ is lots of people’s favorite text editor for Windows.  I use it every day.

A little googling around led me to a Notepad++ user-defined syntax highlighting  file for the Maxima language, written by David Scherfgen and shared at the Maxima-Discuss list.

I made a little change to the file that overcame a nagging difficulty —  I found that .mac file extensions weren’t automatically being recognized upon opening.

Here’s a link to my modifed file.

To include Maxima syntax highlighting in Notepad++ do this:

  1. unzip the downloaded file
  2. in Notepad++, go to Language –> Define your language…
  3. Press Import and navigate to the file MaximaNotepadDS.xml
  4. Quit Notepad++ and then start the program again.
  5. Now in Language menu, you’ll see Maxima in the list of languages at the bottom of the drop-down menu
  6. A  .mac file already open won’t display with the new syntax highlighting, but any .mac file you open or save from new will automatically show with syntax highlighting.

Popularity of CAS software: Maxima, Mathematica, Maple

I was looking recently at the PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language.

That site ranks popularity of programming languages (Java is #1)  using Google Trends tools based on searches of the form <Language Name> Tutorial.  I did my own Google Trend search, comparing the 3M of Computer Algebra Systems:  Maple, Mathematica, and Maxima using the Tutorial criteria as at PYPL.

With the data from Google Trends, I computed the proportion of the total 3M monthly searches for each program.  Here’s how that looks over time since 2004:


It appears to me that Maxima is slowly and steadily gaining with nearly 20% share, Maple is currently at about 30%, and Mathematica at 50%.  Does anybody know what happened between 2006 and 2013 to account for the increase in popularity of Mathematica and decrease for Maple?